
Also one day there will be peace on earth... but until that day, do not expect a decently priced Vita card.

See you soon...

I know what you mean, but to be honest, this style is much easier to pull off as compared to 3D stuff.

Yeah do we really need next gen consoles? All they seem to be doing is forcing Kinect and improving visuals, nothing previous gen hasn't done.

Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan.

Besides the fanservice and implied lesbian-ism of Atelier series is not what this article is talking about, it's talking about openly gay leads.

Oh I see what you mean... Yeah that makes sense.

Pocket Princesses should be regular on Kotaku. Owen, please make this happen!


This is one of the best animated series I've seen in a while. I'd desperately wait each week for a new episode.


This troll is better than "delete system32 to increase windows speed" troll.

Last I read, free to play or online games like FF14 doesnt require additional subscription. Has that changed?

Should get it on the Sony console.

Raiding is best for the Dark Souls crowd.

Maybe on the Origin version...

Dedicated servers does not mean servers for life, I think you might've misunderstood the article.


I feel stupid now...

I can almost imagine these guys copying Titanfall.exe onto a USB stick and wondering why it doesnt work on other computers lol.