
Boss battle in sneaking game? Deus Ex Human Revolution! Also MGS!

I got it for £5, played with a controller and encountered no game breaking bug. This is probably why I remember it fondly.

I loved Alpha Protocol so much, I don't know why it got such bad reviews...

System Requirements are usually outright lies by greedy companies to make people buy it and then not be able to run it well. This new system will prevent such cheating.

People have so much time... I'm green with envy...

Such tasteless people... :P

I had to research this Shadowkey lol, I'm bummed about the cancelled PSP Oblivion.

I thought they were using the money to fund gazillion new IPs or something?

Most of my friends are console owners and they've pretty much come to accept PC as the master race. All I did was show them the Steam sale and then the Humble Bundle. After that they never mentioned that a PC was so expensive.

We even did stats, my PC plus all my games (relevant ones, not the bundled ones that you

Reminds me of this:

It'll be funny if Microsoft makes something like this themselves and sells it for $50 a piece...

Now playing

Skyrim and Fallout. The glitches are so funny, you'll actually WANT your game to glitch when playing XD


I actually went to great lengths to play this. There is a mod that translates this game into English using your original Final Fantasy XII disc. I then played the translated version on PCSX2 at 1080p with lots of GRAPHICS @.@

Unless the game had a unique art style (like Windwaker and Okami) an HD release retains the same amount of shitty polygons and archaic controls.

I think it'll be really funny if the creator of these videos said this:

Best post I've seen all week :O

You said it! I hate those companies that exploit someone's passion.

I don't think we need a male version of feminism. We just need more pictures of cats.

Haha, took me a while to realize what happened.