
A very good point. It's just like Steam, after making some purchases just coz it was so cheap, I realised I had bloody 70 games in my library that I have never have and never will play.

Can we get this on the PC? Please? If we ask nicely?

I don't know what to believe in anymore.

Yes Patricia, one can dream. One can live in the Matrix, or choose to see the world for what it is.

I'll be honest, MS is going to make a lot of money as I've talked to most of my gamer friends and they're like, "Well, the next Halo is going to be on Xbone innit?" -_-

Personally, I've had enough. I think I might quit gaming for a while. Might save me a lot of money like quitting cigarettes.

There was a time in my life when I wanted to join Square Soft (later Sqaure Enix) when I grew up as they made some of the most beautiful, inspiring games that I looked up to and recommended passionately (without getting annoying) to my friends.

Well said. People these days just don't understand how a scoring system works.

He lives up to his name. He's mad.


Hey PC gamers, can anyone link me a guide to the best possible gaming PC with £1000 in the UK? Vat included :)

To be very honest, this is the hottest female videogame character.

Never again let them blame videogames for violence.

I am so glad I dropped this show in season 1 when Ned died.

Really guys? All I got from the pic was a sudden craving for onion rings...

I love the game settings the characters and all, but I find the combat and gameplay very boring, that's why I could never finish the original BL and I even had the GOTY edition... I guess it's probably because I don't like the loot system coz its like always having to look for stats that the next gun might be 2%

I've had my gaming laptop - Alienware M15x for 3 years now and I bought it for lets say, the price of 2.5 nVidia Titans. I felt majorly cheated that I could not play games in their highest settings in the very year I bought it much less now.

I think Achievements are there for challenging the 12 yr old inside you. Daddy said you can't have them cookies, daddy don't know I like challenges...

EA, it's a little too late for this but we'll take it anyway.

I couldn't have put it better myself. I guess I am fatigued out of the genre :(

Watching this argument restores my faith in humanity...