

To be fair, that’s a fighting style to use against monsters, giving your back to an armed enemy is going to end poorly.

Standing, sitting, it's still better than the people who go between the legs to wipe, instead of around behind.

“I can’t wait to see what this feels like in the daylight from the inside,”

I hadn't even noticed the AT4 tube until you pointed it out.

Dat PPSH doe

No 75mm recoilless rifle-armed vespa? (yes you actually have to straddle the weapon to ride the thing)

Something really worth mentioning that you didn’t:

10: Goddammit, I just started playing WatchDogs (It was on really good sale!) and not being able to remap controls to anything I want ( I use the numpad a lot, and inexplicably some of the keys there are restricted from remapping) infuriates me to no end. I should expect this from Ubisoft, This isn’t the first time

Yeah, a broke clutch doesn't buckle the hood 10 inches.

So, tire pressure?

You'd be surprised at the difference some bumper spats and a factory-STI-style wing can make.

I love my 140k mile ‘01 RS Coupe, but I have no illusions that it isn’t worthless, despite the care I’ve given it and the $3000 I put into it last year to replace the worn lifters and a crapped out wheel bearing.

A $1000 paint job does not add $1000 to the value of this car. Sure, it's in good shape. It's all but bone

Good job, dipshit!

I once had some crazy spicy tuna rolls that made the whole room spin while spots flashed in front of my eyes.

Of course a half hour later I wanted more.

And yes unless they offer a 'brown people spicy' level, I am generally not moved.

This is about as bad as selling loot to the shopkeeper in an MMO.

Bet he can’t do it again.

Q-Vier from Valvrave. He is a very special child.

Q-Vier from Valvrave. He is a very special child.