
Her hit “Fight Song” was Hillary Clinton’s campaign anthem, so this isn’t the first time she’s let America down.

Makes sense, he’s basically how the Bulls took the first two games against the Celtics last year in the first round of the playoffs. Once he got injured they died.

It’s sad to see the greats resorting to this sort of thing once their body starts to decline, particularly because if Sanchez trusted in his experience and smarts he’d realise he didn’t need PEDs. As Charlie Whitehurst got older he started using a lighter clipboard, while Brian Hoyer adopted a more slow-twitch

This is a major reason why I hate salary caps. Revolving door rosters do nothing to promote fan loyalty, and rivalries that anchor deep in your gut and make you commit to your team like a moral centre rather than just a byproduct of a geographical accident. Dez Bryant is one of the many reasons you can dislike or hate

Ah yes. You seem smart.

I religiously avoid watching any video of the allegedly charming and humble Aaron Judge for exactly this reason

That is probably the most succinct, and profoundly accurate, Boston fan/sports take I’ve ever read.

It sucks when teams with asshole fans have such likable players. Really puts you in a tough spot.

Further fixed.

DeShaun Watson may be the only person in America to have a worse back up than Donald Trump.


That part where he rocks an afro while doing it.

That’s the purposeful gait of a Schiano Man right there.

Are you new? This is the site that has regular posts about what various bears are up to.

Two things:

“Im upset about cops shooting unarmed people.

My thought as well — weighing in in underwear then later in soaking wet clothes or in dress clothes after your shower and a meal.

From clues in the bible, biblical historians estimate that David’s Giant was only 12 feet tall, not the size of a T Rex

And Armdancer was just screwing around too because he just phonetically spelled out dragon in Hebrew to show off his Hebrew keyboard changing skills.