
Would everyone please just calm down? Trump already met with the President of California a few days ago.

Obviously man. It’s always been about economic anxiety.

But what else could it be about? Hopefully a shit ton of greys can explain this complex issue to me.

Really makes you think this backlash isn’t about respecting the country at all, doesn’t it?

Agreed. In my mind, they remove the glove, finger falls off, and then some sort of bird swoops down to grab it up. The circle of life would be complete, and we would all be happier.
Way to blow it State...

Ya, it didn’t phase me. I broke my finger before and they put it back in place. It happens so quickly you don’t notice it and it feels better after.

The trainer grabbing it and putting it back into place, I guess. Tough to watch, but not as bad as the initial angulation.

The guy bends the finger back in place.

I don’t get it either - what more is there that I am missing?

This is the problem: the mistaken (or disingenuous) idea that Kaepernick et al are protesting the anthem itself. They’re definitely not mad at a song! They’re using it to draw attention to a specific set of issues. Or trying to, in the face of many many people who would rather make this about almost anything else than

I also have no idea what they’re talking about.

Awww but the protest isn’t against the US National Anthem. It’s a protest about black inequity during a highly visible time where players are mandated by the league to show a display of patriotism to increase advertising dollars and military fetishism.

I guess I don’t really understand what you’re saying, here. I think the idea behind their demonstration is to draw attention to a problem, and this accomplishes that. It doesn’t have to be rich with symbolism if it brings an issue forward, is I guess where I come down on that.

He looks more like a Kyle to me.

He did feel that his passion for climbing was a selfish endeavor, though he was pursuing being an EMT.

I am saddened by the loss of two souls living a dream I’d like to be in.

Plus it seems they / him were responsible for triggering the avalanche... so.

I am just trying to figure out how he did it. I mean, hiking pole?

Did you read the whole story including the quote from him at the bottom? He was clearly already struggling with losing multiple friends to climbing. I think losing his GF was the proverbial last straw.

I’m thinking, survivor guilt (as others are pointing out, it sounds like he may have found her body, but not in time to save her), losing his girlfriend in general, and really, looking at that stuff he wrote before this, the loss of many friends already on the mountains left him in a pretty dark place - this was