The next day, Conway, another administration spokesperson, when asked why he’d gone out there and spouted obvious lies responded that he hadn’t lied, he was ‘providing alternative facts’.
The next day, Conway, another administration spokesperson, when asked why he’d gone out there and spouted obvious lies responded that he hadn’t lied, he was ‘providing alternative facts’.
Roethlisberger would be a good choice to represent Trump among athletes, since he also has sexually assaulted women...
Amendola already has a ring. He was on the Pats in 2015
A Tomsula?
Also, if Amendola misses a chance at a ring, that’d be cool too.
》》And also, it needs to be less “elite” smart guys.《《
If one of those guys did speak out, they’d just be labeled as “no true Scotsman.”
This is why the Dallas Stars’ scoreboard was hilarious. The scoreboard posted: “Tonight’s Attendance 1.5 million”. That wasn’t a sports talking head, a coach, or a player that did that. And it was spread on social media by far more than just hockey fans.
“But fuhbaw is soft these days, if Brady was playin’ back when real men played fuhbaw like <insert personal favourite player who Brady has now surpassed> he’d never be this good!”
Pretty sure that Roethlisberger won’t be questioning the Groper-in-Chief anytime soon.
Jim Cornette? I mean, sports entertainment, but close enough. That man HATES Trump and it is hilarious.
And also, it needs to be less “elite” smart guys.
On a serious note, the more sports people who talk about Spicer and the administration’s lying (let’s call it what it is, lamestream media), the less it can be ignored and explained away by Trump’s base.
In a nutshell:
Whenever these guys do something, assume the worst, and then assume it’s actually worse than that. They should never, ever, ever be gifted the benefit of the doubt anymore.
Pretty Orwellian right!?
Plenty of german, ukranian, austrian, italian descendants in southern Brazil.
Racist statesmen in the 1930s were alarmed Brazilian population was becoming “too dark” (WTF), and made an effort, instead of employing poor black people who had been slaves just 30 years before, they imported a bunch of white immigrants to…
He lost limbs recently. Most likely he is still under very heavy pain management.