
As if his hands could wrap all the way around a baby’s neck.

Reminds me of prime Vinsanity. A high school classmate of mine was convinced he could double-jump like a Super Smash Bros game.

No, I agree completely with you. It wasn’t meant as a criticism at the work anyone put in at Deadspin. It was just a dry joke in regards to these challenging times.

Knoblauch used to flash that same smile throwing to first, knowing he was making some lucky fan’s day with a free souvenir.

C’mon man, that’s not fair. Sox fans can’t write.

Even happier for his old hag sister Joan

I am so incredibly thankful that Bartman can finally go outside again.


I honestly don’t get what Maddon thinks he’s doing. Neither Hendricks or Lester were in any serious trouble and he stupidly yanked them quick, fast and in a hurry. Chapman blows a 3 run lead while looking completely gassed and Maddon trots him back out the next inning. Wtf??

And now a rain delay...

This shit is crazy

No jokes: Sports are fucking phenomenal, and this embodies everything amazing about them. I can’t get over this game. And I’m not even a Cubs or Indians fan. It’s just perfect.

And just think, the only reason this game is in Cleveland tonight is because the American League won the Pro Bowl of baseball back in July.

You’re so wrong. Losing in 4 would be more Cubs-like. Losing in 7 means they fought back and had a chance. Especially after being down 3-1. This is the least Cubs team ever. They’re like the mid-90s Yankees. Losing in 7 would only embolden this team stacked with 20 year old all stars even more.

I just came here to reiterate that white privilege is not a thing. Total liberal media conspiracy. Now excuse me while I continue through life with the wind at my back.

As a quick follow up to that, also please please please fortheloveofgod please don’t forget about your local elections as well. While who we vote in as President is very, very important, your life is affected infinitely more by those governing you on a local and state level. If you want direct, immediate change,

Leave it to the Bears to win a game that only pushes them further out of good draft position and simultaneously gives the Packers a better shot at winning the division lol...

Ya... here’s the thing... The second amendment you keep going on about was ostensibly designed to protect you against an undemocratic government. The rest of the constitution was designed to proect you against a democratic government.

Please let Cleveland blow a 3-1 lead