I’m not that Jason guy, but golf is totally a sport. It requires skill and physical exertion; there’s a scoring mechanism and you compete against others.
I’m not that Jason guy, but golf is totally a sport. It requires skill and physical exertion; there’s a scoring mechanism and you compete against others.
...because he has muscles, which they want. They are envious; what other reasons do people have for idolizing?
I just texted my Ontarian friend, I will report back with my findings.
My elementary school principle supposedly got a cheerleading scholarship.
I just saw a headline the other day that they’re a “playoff potential team” or something like that.
Because a lot of people want muscles, and for them steroids are merely a tool to help with that.
Was my spelling that bad?
I’ve eaten several pizzas, bought my wife a bike, and get expensive socks from Amazon for free because of bing!
I gotta say, I’m shocked. What’s the impetus for all of this sudden doing “what’s right”
I’m surprised no one has said this, especially considered I’m not strong on the details:
If Fox & Friends doesn’t talk about it, Trump may never know how embarrassed and annoyed these guys are, so he can happily use them for ‘credibility coverage’.
hey, go fuck yourself.
The point of ICE is to stop illegal immigration. You can be Latino and be against illegal immigration— and quitting your source of income now that ICE is terrorising latinos for no reason isn’t always viable for people.
So we want streaming services because we’re sick of paying high cable costs, especially when I don’t watch all the channels.
Want me to follow you?
And he talked about how they didn’t trust westerners and they wanted nothing to do with cartels so they retreated to the mountains...
I think in the simplest terms, sure, execs make stupid decisions, but in the larger picture they’re making the right moves their fans want to see.