
You might want to question why you don't see racism where so many others do. However, from reading your posts I sincerely doubt that you're the type of person who will grow from a bit of introspection

Awesome, glad I waited three days for that response.

So why do you keep reading the comments of McAfee articles? Are you a masochist?

When does McAfee's 30-day free trial start?

But I can get all of those for a grand total of $0 per week, and live with the smug satisfaction that I'm not contributing any money to Murdoch's media empire.

I had to pick a fake last name that would at least appear to be believable. I figured that Newton was more likely than Betamax or Playbook.

LOL. Can't argue with that!

All I know is that my daughter, Zune Laserdisc Newton, will likely need counseling when she's older.

Congratulations on your upcoming retirement!

I should have said hair color, but ran out of time to edit before I realized my error. You are absolutely right.

Sure. Just like not collecting stamps is a hobby and bald is a hair style.

Shouldn't you be jerking off to your Ayn Rand fanfic?

Oh, a LOLbertarian. How original.

Is that a jilted loverseat?

The good news is that they've already sold out of their McCain Old Man Yells at White Cloud Sofas.

That didn't work out so well for Donnie Darko.

Well, you'd be wrong.

So the belief that Jesus is the son of God and the messiah isn't a central tenet of Christianity?

Don't feel bad, I looked into it and it was just released a month ago. Definitely one of their's got Wings Hauser, George Kennedy, and an evil albino scientist! What's not to love?

Is there a possible third choice? Like gouging out my eyeballs?