ShutTheFuckUpMan, The Best Superhero

Shut the fuck up.

Shut the fuck up.

Shut the fuck up.

Shut the fuck up.

Shut the fuck up, you’ll vote for Dan Crenshaw if the Dems ever nominate someone as left of Sanders.

Shut the fuck up.

You sound mad online loser. Try shutting the fuck up instead.

Yeah they should have called you a Rockefeller Republican instead. Shut the fuck up bootlicker.

Shut the fuck up.

Shut the fuck up.

Shut the fuck up.

Shut the fuck up you Reagan Dem mark.

Shut the fuck up.

Shut the fuck up.

Shut the fuck up.

Shut the fuck up and go back to getting shoved in lockers, weeb.

The fact you think this is an absurd idea shows what a slobbering bootlicking ghoul you are, clownshoe. Shut the fuck up. 

Shut the fuck up.

Shut the fuck up dipshit.

Shut the fuck up and go back to 4chan you mark.