이엉돈 PD

Heeeeeere's Villager!

It is time to be honest here: is Nintendo even trying anymore? I mean what a lackluster and unimpressive showing. Now I completely understand why they didn't even bother with an E3 press conference.

Also excited about the prospect of a new Smash Bros. Would love to see a Smash Bros game announced along side a companion 3DS game. Also a new Metroid would be nice, but I'll be super happy with just Smash Bros.

Come ON! Only title I'm eagerly awaiting.

Just like PS3.

I sure hope so. I want to buy games no matter where I'm living, and I will probably not be living in the US for too much longer, so...

It's the gift that keeps on giving. The only thing better is if it printed you out twenty bucks everyday.

And don't forget us folks who live overseas and want to play our games uncensored and in their original language (English).

Not 100% confirmed; but to all UK and AU folks - apparently there WILL NOT be REGION LOCK on the PS4.

"The Kinect watches you pee."

Actually I need to take an imput two. But thanks for asking, you creepy little spy-console, you!

Why?!?! Ps+ is now required to play online... How often do you ever lend your games? Or trade them to gamestop? Everyone bitches about gamestops trade values but then bitches because they can't trade games in... Lol

More awkward than the rape joke?

*tries to post large image*

And for all of us living outside of the US, here's the schedule of E3 press conferences for time zones worldwide.