이엉돈 PD
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They did a parody of this on SNL Korea mocking the over the top acting. :)

Its Korean. It's from Flower Boy Ramyun Shop.

Just as long as they don't have something like the 'Max's Severed Head' again. That absolutely killed my interest in ever playing the TF2 Hat Trade Game.

That is unless you live overseas! Granted though - I've already seen this episode. Poor Jaime.

Will be dropping by Korea at the end of this year. Definitely need to see this place. :)

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Best version I've seen on Korean TV was on the Korean version of SNL.

I only got the hint when I noticed that the banner of House Bolton had a flayed man. The similarity to Theon's own position is enough to get the idea of where he's being held.

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I believe he actually bought additional pizza for the crowd.

Ain't a GTA cover if it ain't got a helicopter on the top-left corner.

Fall. Ain't that the same time as GTA V? Two great PC titles that I've been waiting for awhile so I can have some idea of what specs I should have for my PC build.

...Not like here. Here everything's soft... and smooth...

An over-sized egg. And the fact that it's almost Easter.

I love this game. It's like the new 'Anipang.'

His Holiness!

So much plastic.

"It's a harmless activity," says Yang.

Uh... weren't custom targeting reticles offered for free on the first Black Ops?

Better than my PC. But then again my PC is outdated.

I personally found this the most exciting presentation of the PlayStation Meeting. The potential for this is amazing - that I think it'll be akin to that of Minecraft.