I haven't bought a CD-based Game in aeons. Do we still have to have the Game CD in our drive to play?
I haven't bought a CD-based Game in aeons. Do we still have to have the Game CD in our drive to play?
The Old Republic was never going to be on Steam. I'm pretty sure that EA announced that TOR would be exclusive to Origin long before this fiasco regarding EA and Steam's Policy.
Not Valve generally - its probably just SPUF.
My Villain's Veil seems puny compared to the Sniper's Anger now.
The Protoss and Terran Sneakers are decent; but the Zerg one... that's just fugly.
Nope - the last US Battleships, the Iowa-class are now reduced to museum ships save for 1-2 which are part of the Reserve Fleet, otherwise known as the Mothball Fleet. I do recall that the last action that one of the Iowa-class Battleship participated was in the first Iraq War.
Snow White and Thor win for me!
Well, I'm assuming that the screenwriters will be sticking with the canon events in Mass Effect, aka the Paragon choices. Still shipping for FemShep though... >_<
Me too! I could do with an Invite! I'll PM you my email instead though! :P
Hoping that more World War Z news trickles out in the next few days.
Probably because, you know, we come from convict-stocks and all.
Just a note to add to what Luke has said. The game is able to be pre-ordered over Amazon if you live in Australia - except for the Collector Edition which has run out. There doesn't appear to be an IP-block if you play from Australia (judging from what a TOR developer has said over Twitter), and the fact that you can…
Mmmm... I'm sorry, I was distracted by the pancakes featured in the picture.
I can't even pre-order it from their site, even if I wanted to - they don't list any Australian retailers on their lists. I wonder what that means for Australian players who wish to find a nearby server for TOR.
"I saw it! It's alive! It's huge!"
Amazon is going to win; they've got more Koreans (2). The other teams only feature one Korean at most, or some other Asians.
Phew, I can hit the Minimum Requirements easily though I really want to max out on BF3 for the visuals. Anyone recommend me a good SLI motherboard? I'm going to get a GTX 560 Ti for now, but in the long-term; I want to be able to just put an additional one.
Even though I prefer Steam well over Origin - I'm already planning to get a retail copy of BF3, just so I can get those snazzy Pre-Order bonuses like the Physical Warfare package.
You forgot the Panda!