이엉돈 PD

Kind of getting a "Temeraire" vibe from the picture with the dragon.

Okay, so Battlefield 3 or Crysis 2? The Nanosuit seems like an interesting addition to multiplayer in Crysis 2, but otherwise I've always been more of Battlefield guy...

Aye, they over-exaggerate stuff so much.

@OgilvyTheAstronomer: Sony had been selling the PS3 at a loss when it first launched. It was only recently (I believe with the onset of the PS3 Slim), that they've recuperated back that amount.

@traumafox: Exactly what I was thinking. Moment I read that quote, I knew it was related to Pandora.

@BaconXBits: Do you still get the TF2 items?

VP of Infinite Infinity. They sure make the most creative titles for their VP's at Playstation.

@Ultrasuperdude: Is this Civ 5? I maintain a strong Carrier Force with Stealth Bombers/B-17 to maintain my upper-hand over the other nations. =]

Now playing

Me and my friends ended up fishing in the harbour overlooking the bridge and the Opera House. It was easily one of the most finest and most memorable NYE's I've ever had in Sydney. =]

@cisco_03: If you do, make sure to rock up to the Harbour really early. Generally the more packed areas, which offer the best views are closed off around 1pm. *Sydneysider here :) *

@Aigik: This. Its a pain trying to catch a ride with an impatient chopper pilot.

@William Henry Harrison: Hey, they just released a new song a few weeks ago! They're on a comeback! (hopefully)

@Cheese Addict: Are you sure its not because you have Actors on TVB dressing up as woman and singing it on television?

@igorPL: I loved DJ Max Clazziquai =]

Good thing that some of the discounts are up till January 2nd. So I'm just going to sit on my ass and wait for Mass Effect 2 to be featured in one of the Daily Deal's for an even larger discount.

Wait? Really - South Korea and Facebook? I always thought South Korea was dominated by Cyworld, unless that doesn't count as a social network of sorts.