Mehhhh, looks like the require an actual physical copy of past Blizzard games...
Mehhhh, looks like the require an actual physical copy of past Blizzard games...
With Tekken 6 and Soul Calibur on PSP, that doesn't surprise me to the slightest.
@HELLSRIDER is watching anime: I'm assuming its going to be like Crisis Core, judging from the trailers for it, and the fact that it uses an identical engine.
@HELLSRIDER is watching anime: Agito XIII is about an evil nation invading another nation, and its up to a band of kids learning magics and what-not to protect their country. Or something like that.
@Eternalbl: XIII and Versus both use Square-Enix's own engine though, the Crystal Tools.
Gosh, I hate how snipers always do suicide run with the C4's. They just drive into the M-Com's with their buggies and blow themselves up.
...nor the years condemn.
Hopefully this would get more people to start up GTA 4 in multiplayer. There's a real-lack of people who actually play the multi-player aspect of the game; seeing as most of them are only free-roaming...
@Shenta: That looks like Nick from L4D2.
They're so awesome that they don't even need breathing apparatus of some sort.
@Ice_man: Click the Link.
@EloquentZen: Only for Star Wars: The Old Republic did I side with Evil, I just enjoyed Force Lightning.
Wow; driving looks like a pain. Probably the guy playing it in the video, doesn't know there a feature in the game which helps with your driving by automatically adjusting itself into a straight line parallel to the road.
@Kanji08: $1 USD = $0.92 AUD at current exchange rates, currently the best current rates best seen inawhile, yet we still have to pay quite a hefty price compared to the US. The PS3 Slim is advertised for somewhat roughly $450 alone; and thats expensive compared to how much the PS3 Slim cost when it was first…
The DirectX 10 Chart only serves to remind me that its time to upgrade from XP to Windows 7.
@EythR: Because the original intro for the A-Team used such a format.
I would very much want to know which EB Games this is; so I can personally thank the guy.
It pretty much looks similar to any shooting range - it seems to be sponsored by the MMOFPS; Special Forces.
Now, if it was moreorless based on one of these girls, Korean gaming netizens wouldn't find that much to complain about... =/
Ooo; the facehugger. I would love to scare someone with that. Albeit, it looks kinda small.