이엉돈 PD

@Jouen: There's still deathstreaks; and martyrdom might be one of them. #spoileralert

Oh dear; I have yet to purchase TF2 yet...due to a certain lack of Credit Card. #teamfortress2

...and I'm sure Jack Thompson is already writing something in response to this... #modernwarfare2

@DRaGZ: Yeah; there was another recent controversy regarding a Korean singer, G-dragon, having ripped-off segments from Flo Rida's 'Right Round.' #southkorean

Its 소녀시대; I'll forgive them. Go TaeSica! <3 #southkorean

@deanbmmv: Wait, Borderlands Australia? An Australian Version? Has that been censored to some extent? Goddammit.

@deanbmmv: Yeah; I'm betting that its game screenshots that have been photoshopped to make them smoother. #modernwarfare2

Jesus F-ing Christ; why doesn't that South Australian Attorney General just put all that bullshit back up his ass; seriously - did that guy even watch that report on ABC last time, regarding Fallout 3? Does this guy even bother to actually understand the circumstances of Australian gamers? I bet he's never touched a

I'm glad that Sony has this again, I missed the first time they had this offer around, so I'll make sure to snap it this time.

Being an Australian, this list won't affect me at all... but, Thunderbird Rd? Serious? #modernwarfare2

@Fluorine: Actually; there was 2 petitions - one was on the IW forum and another on Petition Online. The petition thread on the IW forum has apparently been deleted in the wake of these events.... #infinityward

Looks like I'll be keeping to Call of Duty 4; don't think I'll miss you that much MW2. #infinityward soon, Nintendo?

@eastx: 100 years go? China was probably getting its ass handed to it by the British and French.

@Bakamoichigei: Guess those new deathstreaks won't be useful here...

@TravisTouchdown: actually; I was more reminded off the Mighty Ducks cartoon series... =]