I voted NP, fuck it, get the blow and let’s party
I voted NP, fuck it, get the blow and let’s party
The real question now becomes how big of a middle finger does Magnussen give Ron Dennis if he finishes ahead of both McLaren drivers when the season is over?
I’m extremely pleased for KMag. I hope the Renault will be a real contender. Imagine the immense satisfaction he would get from overtaking a McHonda.
Finally, we have a proper driver for Renault!
I think calling Kevin Magnussen a failure is a bit harsh, though I suppose you mean in the sense that he only got one season in F1 before he was out. I don’t think he did all that badly considering the crappy car he had - with some more experience he could probably be a very good driver.
You wanna be arrested/sued for touching a woman without her permission?
Usually i never bring these things up and would call myself a feminist, but this video demonstrates the typical double standard by many men when helping a drunk girl vs helping a drunk guy.
Gordon has spent a lot of the last several years dominating races, and then getting knocked out of them by a surprisingly incompetent crop of new generation of drivers.
You have a good point. I have an idea how to approach this. Stay tuned.
Barf, again.
I've had the chance to drive many race vehicles I know exactly how hard it is to see out of the car. How it was a stupid move? Taking to the grass to get around your teammate and a car thats not in your class is a stupid move. In an endurance race discretion is the better part of valor. And if you follow this…
While normally I would call bullshit, as the #911 driver would be focused forward on the braking points, apex, and most importantly the speed/line of the Aston Martin in front of him rather than looking out the side window, this case is a bit more special.
Suddenly, all of the moronic stuff I got away with in the Factory Driver singleplayer mode for NFS Porsche Unleashed makes a lot more sense.
Goddamnit I need some calender that I can sync to my phone to remind me of these fucking races. Plz halp
I have to say between last year and this, for a "factory" team I can't believe how many stupid moves I've seen out of these guys.
They need to spend more time working on their CORE strength
I see he did not get them memo about ending up on Jalopnik.
would it be too much to ask for a replay of the incident?