
@MegatronSRT8: I guess I don't have anything left about it to rave to you then... other than to just buy another one and not regretting it =P .

@ravnous: Honestly, I feel like the "quad nostril" Ram Air Hood just added meaner look to the car's already fierce bite. I tried to link the picture of the black Trans Am in the urban setting. I love that picture. The one in the above picture is actually mine.

@Shuke: Also, this is just an awesome shot.

I can mention to someone who doesnt know anything about cars that this is a brand new car for 2011, and they wouldn't know that it actually ended production in 2002. It can be argued that the design language was very loud, but you have to admit, it looks better than most cars out there that are supposed to look

@UltiLink: Needs no turbo. It's perfection.

@JayBrizzle: I'm pretty sure there are a lot of videos that prove otherwise.

@Krochus: However, with that logic, an automatic transmission would be much better for you to have, instead of a manual transmission.

@Krochus: Torque... Enough said...

@Krochus: I'm calling shenanigans on this one...

@Skunky: That one's debatable...

@jodark: And we all know how the Battle of Britain went over.

@v8corvairpickup: Did you happen to work for a personal care product company?

@paintandswim09: The 4th Gen is a great hoon car, for sure. And trust me, you would feel great picking up a girlfriend in it. You also tend to get a lot of rubbernecking head turns toward you. And possibly a child with his mouth dropped as he stares at the Trans Am. Yeah, it's that good.

@iamjames: Meh... I'm not a fan of the trash associated with them either, but I still love these cars. I'm okay with exemplifying that they don't have to be associated with rednecks and mullets all the time.

@mytdawg: My eyes... They burn... I will never look at you the same way again... Now, I will by haunted by this image for the rest of my life... Thanks... :(