
Oh man, this article. This video. It's wonderful. Seeing DOOM in its early stages, laggy and bugged. I never thought I'd see something like that. The machines they are using, you KNOW they were killer machines back then, and they struggle to get DOOM running!
People working at any moment of the day, just sitting on the

I had no idea! And here I was thinking that she seemed so innocent and stuff like that xD

Thank goodness. Thanks for everyone who replied for the supplied information. That's a question that always bothered me and I couldn't find a clear answer. This article does nothing but confuse the hell out of me ¬¬

Accurate how? Is there something I'm missing? XD
I don't really know the story behind this photo, nor the shirt.

Well, this is not the first time I've seen something like this.

It's actually very similar to Shift. I haven't had much time with the first iteration. I've mostly played the second, but they are both very good. I recommend getting the demo or a timed trial and see for yourself. You can customize your controls so the game is more arcade-like or more simulation-like. It's up to you,

I'm from Argentina. Here, churros are one of the most delicious things you can make and/or buy to eat during a rainy day, or while walking through the park.

I miss it so much. The customization, the purchasing of new cars. Your own garage. The ability to tune every single aspect of the car. The test drives. The police chases (thankfully there were only a few). The massive car roster. All the history and information that taught me a lot about one of the best car brands in

Excellent article. I've done the same thing with my bike, except I like to play games [:
It's incredible how nervous/tense you can get and when you realize, you are going very fast and you "travelled" more distance than you normally would.

Talk about unsettling and creepy. I still don't understand why she went through with the idea of looking like a doll. If you compare her photos to the actual 3D model, well... the model looks less creepy, at least to me :/

Wow, I can't believe that a story about a game developer from my own country made it to Kotaku.

Sooo... are they gonna go back in time and attack "Romancing Saga" too?

Well, my friend, I don't know if you noticed, but that very same music is present in GTAIII, GTA Vice City and GTAIV.

Perdón, vos hablabas de dólar blue. Por eso 720USD.

La gente que compra en Sony Style no es solamente de mucha guita y con acceso a dolar blue.

Guys, I'm from Argentina. Let me explain a couple of things:

Stephen, I loved your article. It's always a great pleasure to read the things you write.

Jason, the blog about "killing off Sonic" seems to have gone down after this article was written O_o