
You're telling me fish SWAM AWAY FROM YOU? Isn't that proprietary Call of Duty technology?

Another awesome variant, and a rad commision from Ramos

You keep posting this multiple times per article, in multiple articles. You are SUPER invested in telling women that they are wrong about their own goddamn bodies.

Sports Bra's for athletic support.

Yeah, and they'd probably be used by every female one too.

WWII B17 "All American" Rammed by ME109 with dead pilot.

Commenting just to say how happy I am to see "panoply" used.

She's not for sale, so it's not advertising. The only thing she's showcasing is her (fantastic) cosplaying skills.

I had to stop when you referred to your vagina as a salted wound. Water alllllll over the monitor.

cereal is way, way better when the milk is almond milk

Holly shit, my eyes are all watery! OMG SO AMAZING(no pun intended)!

"For more casual bystanders, though, there's a touch of the absurd to it. It already felt too soon when Tobey Macguire's Spider-Man movies — the last of which was only in 2007! — was rebooted in 2012 with a new story and a new actor (Andrew Garfield)."

I'm going to make the case for the best superpower to be the ability to stop Time for a duration. At any time, I can cause time to stop, and simply make things go my way. End up in a gunfight? I'll calmly walk over and take out the clip of each gun and remove the bullets. Put it back in. Resume fight. I need some

They're called African Americans. We brought them over on boats for free labor. In modern America they're considered individual people no different than us except far more likely to get shot by white cops.

Don't forget the whole "We've never seen the rocket powered Skate board before, yet it's right there when they jump off the roof at the start of the movie.

Queen Wizard JK Rowling is on fire today.

To me, that seems unusual. I track where the edge of the object is in relation to my physical speed to get a good idea of where I'm jumping. My brain just kinda... does it without protest.

Yet at the same time they've become more human, round eyes, round faces, and more human proportions all over it. You give a little you take a little