
Once I get an internet connection that doesn't suck, I'll try that out.

I really like Dark Souls, but I've been stuck in Undead Burg ever since I bought the damn game. How do I Dark Souls

I just came from that article onto this one, so this made me giggle.

Poverty can be distributed just as much as wealth — in fact they are the same thing. If we stop benefiting from out-of-country slavery, then yes, that would cost us. But it's a cost a lot of us are willing to pay.

Lord, them accents are funny. Loved the cars part.

Holy wow, I hadn't actually read about the premise of this game. I'm sold.

Obligatory "your mom" joke.

Sir, you need to calm your shit.

Cue that ONE guy who will complain about how there are more female characters than male characters, screaming that everyone knows that only guys play, and that guys only use MaleShep.

+1 I second this. She was great.

Sorry Jeffy. We apologize.

Yes. And fingering is the same as saying hi.

I wonder if it's the Cloverfield monster.

Well said. Need to quote you on tumblr, where a LOT of this "omg racist EVERYTHING" social justice stuff goes on. I mean, social justice bloggers are important because they increase awareness, but I believe you have a point: it's easy to sit at your desk complaining about racism rather than actually doing something.

Great comment (I love sriracha but you are right, it is not that spicy and it is becoming a quick fad). So what hot sauce would you recommend? One that has not just heat but also complex flavor.


You're confusing bad design with minimalism. The FedEx logo is minimalist, and it is amazing. Recognizable everywhere.

Ah, haha. I wasn't around Kotaku before 2010. But yeah, there are female writers, and they do actual video game coverage which shows that it's not just tokenism.

You are correct that 'human' does not just mean female. I don't agree with your what you think is fair, because you are assuming that media attention is 50/50 on both genders. But if you take a look at our cultural landscape, it's actually more like 70/30 in favor of males.

Woah, I have that same knife, Fahey.