Sheva was a caricature, and so were all the black people in the game. Also she was useless.
Sheva was a caricature, and so were all the black people in the game. Also she was useless.
RE4 had white people shooting white-looking people.
Wasn't this exactly how The Doctor toppled Harriet Jones' when she was Prime Minister?
Congratulations on not only completely missing the point, but also making it clear how gross meat eating is.
I feel much smarter having read this. Thank you!
You are so right about Tron: Legacy. Still haven't seen John Carter though.
Yeah, really. I like Brie as Cap, but this is dumb.
My all-Cameron film, "Again With The Trade Embargoes" did much too well for my liking.
Simple. Extinction of smug, bigoted atheists.
Lots of lube.
Well that's ... legitimately scary.
Damn, did this movie kill your entire family or something? "a foolish magic trick that was albeit successful in pulling the wool over the eyes of many"
That makes sense. But then, the screening process should be much more arduous, if once you get a license you have access to all sorts of guns (except full autos, I guess, since those are practically banned).
I talk to my food all the time. Sometimes my food talks back.
I'd love to see Bane get HULK SMASH'd.
I don't get it. You just disproved your previous point completely. If a skeet shooter can be more deadly than other guns, then it should definitely be harder to get.
I don't get it. You just disproved your previous point completely. If a skeet shooter can be more deadly than other guns, then it should definitely be harder to get.
Nice typo - Bane would be hilarious as a villain in Avengers. He'd be so easy to beat.
Cars were invented for transporting people. Hammers were invented to nail things down and flatten things. Kitchen knives were invented for the preparation of food. Guns, however, were invented for killing.