I like you.
I like you.
Have you ever considered a career as a movie producer?
We're missing a keyword here: female. Crotch shots of male celebrities are exceedingly rare (though I'm sure there must be a few). People are much more quick to jump on the photographer in those cases, though. No one ever blames the guy for showing off his junk.
She didn't flash her "hoo-ha". Flashing implies intent. She got out of a limo, and a photographer got a picture of her privates and sold it.
Wear underwear with a nice dress at a premiere? We'd be reading about Anne Hathaway's panty-lines. It's a lose-lose situation because it is never really about the celebrity, but about how we as a society treat their genitals as a commodity.
She didn't exactly choose not to wear underwear. It's practically required when wearing a nice dress, because panty lines. There's other options of course, but none of them are very comfortable. So it goes like this:
I think I love you.
Jesus Christ, Fahey. You are a treasure.
Snacktaku is 50% the reason I come here.
I would love to read an article on this topic.
Cue the apologists who will say that this isn't really a problem and that they don't come to i09 for women's studies. "Did I stumble onto Jezebel or what lololol"
Well said. I think the same. Sometimes the story will allow for accurate science (which is a dumb idea anyway, since science changes all the time — warp drives seem ridiculous and impossible now, but they might be commonplace at some point in the future) and sometimes the story just won't work with accurate science.
Sex with goats.
My only real problem with this is that eyes move much quicker. You can only really see them moving at that speed if they are following something.
Tinfoil. Scleral. Contact lenses.
I know nothing of Star Trek so forgive me for asking: the FUCK is up with that guy's eyes? And how did they do that?
Who in this whole thread has been massively ignora— you know what? I'll just drop it. You clearly have some issues to work through.
As an automobile illiterate, I really thought Lincolns were cool when I saw them on the streets. Granted, these were older models, but man I wanted a goddamn Lincoln. I had no idea why people would sneer whenever I bought it up.
Yes, 'probably' and 'unquestionably' are different words, but they exist on the same scale. Starting with 'nope, definitely not', followed by 'maaaaaybe', 'I guess', 'probably', 'I'm pretty sure', and ending with 'unquestionably'.
Dude are you even reading what I am writing? You've said this already. Sit down, sir.