No one said they're criminals. Just creeps.
No one said they're criminals. Just creeps.
It doesn't sound like the kind of character-based drama that fueled the first movie, but damned if that wasn't a pretty good synopsis. I'd watch it.
I remember seeing that as a kid and having nightmares for days, but that's pretty much the only thing I remember about that movie.
It's a double negative, meaning he DOES want to be part of the franchise. Funnily enough, double positives do not make negatives.
How would you define it?
Totally agree. It's weird that we get articles horrified at what animals do to each other, and then articles congratulating humans who do the same things to animals.
He'd string out that ending over 2 seasons.
Thanks! Man, translating a book must be fun. I wonder how one gets that job.
For an action protagonist who regularly kills dudes with a crossbow? No.
Love Texas just being Texas.
Definitely unlike anything I've read before. Who translated?
Those names are fantastic.
I've been kind of REALLY in love with Vi Hart for over a year. Glad to see her here again.
I'm more mildly hopeful than all-out excited. But I'm sure that'll change once there's a trailer.
Text adventures are the bee's knees. I've dabbled a bit into making some, but never got around to finishing anything since I don't know what kind of audience it would reach. Now I do.
Nice time travel reference!
Thing is, a lot of the time one's thoughts CAN be sexist, homophobic, or racist, unintentionally. The thing about our current society is that such bigotry and misogyny is internalized, to the point that it just seems normal and common sense. So, they DO have a point, at least 1/3rd of the time.
"Mass Effect is played mainly by men"
I'm a guy. Played a femShep. My two other guy friends who played ME played femSheps as well. In fact, I know way more women who played dudeShep than men who played dudeShep. Just because YOU are a man and YOU played a male Shepard, doesn't mean you have to vomit your sexism all over the place.