
It's like my other love, heavy metal. It'll be huge for a while and then will fade back into obscurity. The real stuff at least, sad shells of nerdom (JJ Abrams Star Trek) may remain but that's it.

I love the show, and I read GoT years ago, but I literally wasn't interested enough to keep going, and I'm a BIG reader. So it's not like I'm easily bored by fantasy novels.

Yeah, Daenerys's dicking around is pretty annoying to say the least. I want dragons and rape and pillage. I want her to kill any remaining Lannisters, maybe cut Cersei down the middle or something!

Being concerned an author/actor/musician may die before completing a master work is a genuine fucking concern, saying you're bad for feeling that way is idiotic.

Theon in the show is a sympathetic character, and they get that point across. He struggles over his decision on the ship while writing the letter, and he clearly regrets what he did at times, especially with the "killing" of Bran and Rickon. He's just trying to look tough to his men and win his father over, and he

He shouldn't have executed Karstark though. He did the thing Ned did, the right thing, and it ultimately led him to his death because he had to try to appeal to the Frey's.

That'll probably be necessary frankly. The USPS is being destroyed, UPS sure as shit won't be delivering letters to far away places either.

You've been wrong this entire time, just stop replying already, I'll insult whomever I please and still be right as rain.

Also, gun owning, misogynistic, homophobic, racist and a bunch of other I can't remember. Those ones based on my ownership of guns.

Perfect comparison, the flag burning. On a somewhat related note, I got into it with 2 cops and a Marine on Facebook a month ago because they were advocating for the torture of the surviving Boston bombing suspect.

It's not the first time. I generally try to discuss the big picture and for some reason that angers people, I'll never understand why.

So you agree with me and have been arguing needlessly this whole time, and incorrectly by the looks of the other response?

Oh, okay. That's why basic firearm safety does obviously reduce incidences of negligent discharges? That's why gun safety laws are shown to reduce deaths? How could that be if NOTHING makes owning a gun even slightly more safe for the gun owner?

It does exist if you're a gun owner. Leaving a loaded gun with the hammer cocked in your pocket is more dangerous than leaving an unloaded gun in a locked safe. Common sense. Putting your finger on the trigger of a loaded gun and pointing it at your head is LESS SAFE than not putting your finger on the trigger of an

I don't feel like going back and forth 10,000 times as always happens with these things. Last response.

My girlfriend owns as many guns as I do, oh no I bet she's fucking terrified! See? Propaganda on your end.

I never said they can be perfectly safe, I've said the opposite actually and I was talking to one person specifically.

Yeah, the word passion is only acceptable for jobs/hobbies and your lover.

No shit, I've already brought that up. Thanks for being preachy for no reason twice.

I don't give a shit, and statistics based on other's peoples fuck ups mean nothing to me personally. I don't need your preachy nonsense, thanks.