But his actions are easily found, and the extent to which he would need to act to get people off his back has long since passed.
But his actions are easily found, and the extent to which he would need to act to get people off his back has long since passed.
“Your leap to a person is only skeptical so they can feel morally superior may say a little more about you than me. Try to keep in mind the moral superiority that comes with calling someone out for wanting to be morally superior.”
Google, motherfucker. It doesn’t have to be hard to believe, you can just Google it and learn for yourself in less time than it’ll take you to come up with a reply to my post.
If we’re going to shit on anyone who has a change of heart on social issues and question their motives, can we just admit that we’re more concerned with performative righteous indignation than in making the world better?
I’m betting it doesn’t last.
Or the trade deadline passed, and McGee is on a one-year deal, so by stepping in in this fashion his Free Agent value would rise, thereby making it harder for the Warriors to re-sign him. Good analysis there, bud.
Kick rocks is a tragically underused phrase these days.
He pretty much just called Shaq a show pony for white people
Telling someone to ‘kick rocks’ is great but offset by ‘I think he’s in love with me’.
OR he won MVP as the best player on a team that somehow still outperformed the Heat that year (62 wins to 58.) He absolutely deserved that MVP.
In fairness, she mentions “the strain of playing year-round” and the physical toll it has taken. A lot of WNBA players play overseas once the season ends. I don’t think it’s fair to equate a profession that requires year-round strenuous physical activity and training to being an accountant.
Great move. Southerners love Cousins!
And don’t leave out the noble Papadopolis family
But the world doesn’t move to the beat of just one drum. What might be right for you, may not right for some. Doesn’t it take Diffr’nt Stroke to move the world?
We fucking said no matter what you feel about Hillary, everything must be done to keep Trump from being elected because he was that bad. And what did we hear?
Contempt for the guy who just hit him in the head during a slide? Imagine that.
While I agree Cho’s characterization is off, Tilda is also missing the mark in these emails. Tilda is benefiting from the whitewashing of a character, but won’t look at the historical significance of this because she personally doesn’t feel that way. As a person of color, that is definitely one of the most aggravating…
Yeah, I know which 20-something MVP caliber player you were talking about, I’m just being smug too. “oh we’ll be juuust fine with out potential star” and I’m over here like “lol you’re going to lose Harper really soon and it will make you sad”. And then you’re all like “THAT’S NOT WHO I WAS TAKLING ABOUT” and then I…
lol Harper’s going to leave your team for the yankees soon and you’ll be sad
Tina Fey wants to be able to make all the jokes she wants and she wants to be insulated from the consequences of those jokes. And she is because she’s a rich white woman! Tina is not awesome.