
And not to be even more nitpicky... I get the “leverage” concept. But if Cleveland plates a couple runs in the 4th, I’m assuming their win expectancy gets much higher than if they plate a couple in the 7th. I think any manager on the planet would prefer to be down 7-3 in the 4th compared to 7-4 in the 7th and pretty


Longtime Reds fan here. He really struggles with control if he’s not well rested, this would bear itself out if he did 3 1-inning appearances in a row, as we refused to use him longer like Maddon does (which is a shame).

The closest they got to actually threatening was when they put two on with two out in the seventh, and the score at 7-2.

the Indians never quite threatened, but they constantly threatened to threaten

Talk about Dildo on the field

I’ve done all I could to act like an asshole all season, but it’s been hard because the Rickettseseses are such shits. I think that, as much as Cubs fans have defined themselves by their suffering, I must be the Greatest Cubs Fan on Earth since I now find it impossible to be unambiguously happy about the success of

Never feel bad

Wow I really was getting ready for Cubs fans to act like assholes all year because they won. Now I almost (not quite but almost) feel bad that I will spend all year being the asshole by reminding them that my team won it’s World Series.

As long as Andrew Miller doesn’t kick anybody in the dick, I think they’re ok.

Well, the fact that KC fans dress like this in 2016 should tell you something.

I’m learning towards “unfortunate [for all involved]”

“You’re all the real racists for bringing up instances of white racism!”

Yeah, weird that I ascribed white nonsense to white people.

“Hey John, you’re not a football coach, have no ties to the San Francisco 49ers, never met Colin Kaepernick, never dealt with the San Francisco or Santa Clara police, have probably (I’m assuming) never been harassed by the police nor have had a family member or friend harassed by the police, coach a sport whose

It’s too bad you hate America and our freedom to protest. Perhaps you would be more comfortable in Russia?

The national anthem is not a military hymn. It might be for you. But that’s not what it’s about for everyone. And the US military hasn’t always been the good guys.

When I stand for the anthem I start mentally checking off the various ballpark foods I want to eat that day.

Awwww, you're so full of shit.