No snark, Hannah Storm handles these unfortunate and unenviable reports with aplomb, striking just the right balance of professionalism and humanism.
No snark, Hannah Storm handles these unfortunate and unenviable reports with aplomb, striking just the right balance of professionalism and humanism.
When we were talking about this last night, I went with the Diamondbacks beating the Yankees in Game Seven, just ahead of the Red Sox coming back from down 3-1 against the Yankees. On reflection, though, “Not the Yankees” probably counts as one of my top three personal favorite teams in sports, so those shouldn’t…
Also, a fancy dog, the official pet of 1%ers’ wives.
A racist, a cheater, a misogynist, and a douchebag walks into a bar. Bartender says, “Sorry, Mr. Trump, we’re closed.”
A deflator, a rapist, and a fraud. They represent the GOP well.
This English major laughed.
See, Delly? Cleveland players can get away with this, if they have some talent to back it up.
If Green plays in Game 4 and the Warriors eventually take the series, the “This league is fixed!” shouts may never stop coming from Oklahoma City.
You get invited to ALL the parties, don’t you? Admit it.
This one’s better.
Once again, a black man discovers the Blues, but it’s white guys who make money off them.
So I have relatively little experience watching the Celtics this year, but I did watch every game they’ve played against the Hawks, and I can’t say I’m impressed with Stevens as a coach.
Not ironic or surprising: poor linguistic skills of a Ravens fan.
This, everyone, is the *real* “right way to play the game”.
At no point does Austin ask for anyone’s sympathy or say he’s had it rough. All he did was accurately describe his relationship with his father.
The people who made Avatar, Dragonball and Gods of Egypt probably thought the same .. Look how that worked out for them.
WTF man!? seriously what the fuck!? Are trying to blame the delays of Pacific Rim 2 on Rinko, WOW!!!
There is nothing strange about cyborgs having a race, they are modeled after real humans and made to look mostly life-like (if we didn’t already know Motoko was a cyborg it would be hard to tell she is in the anime TV or movies), so naturally cyborgs made in Japan would mostly look like Japanese people (and cyborgs in…
Hollywood, you sure can suck.