Shizzle McBizzles

To be expected. However, similar to the camera bug, who is going to have my phone for an extended period of unsupervised time unless they've physically stolen it?

Well put.

Infinity Blade on the iPhone is actually pretty fun...

I'm sure the NSA is drooling over this new feature.

It's the first of its kind. The mouse and keyboard probably have a good couple years left (if not another decade or two) but this is a real leap (pun intended) into what the future might hold.

Oh, btw, this should be green. I've got filters in camera on my 4S.

Oh, btw, this should be green. I've got filters in camera on my 4S

I've got a 4S, and for now that's simply enough for me. It runs absolutely every app I need for both business (primary use for the phone anyway) and pleasure. It's incredibly fast and 9x outta 10 I'm on WiFi (so why pay for the 4G?). I'm more excited about the newest gen iPad than iOS7. Also, if the iPhone 6 (or

Dr. Andrew Jackson went to TRINITY College... Hmm... the Matrix reference makes even MORE sense now.

MP4 video for my iPod take up the most amount of space collectively on my drives. 105GB total

Major bummer... I'm thinking this next generation of iPads will finally be all that I've ever wanted out of a tablet and I'll be "forced" to buy my first tablet. Unless you count the Nook Color I have Cyanogenmod on of course...

Seriously. The old ones hurt my ears, they fit but they hurt. The new ones are pretty freakin' awesome imho.

Will tomorrow only be about iPhones and iOS... nothing on the newest tablet rumors?

Could not agree more! Luxury over war any day of the week!

I read all your articles. To be short, I really enjoy your writing. This article, is absolute Veritas!! (the goddess of truth for those who don't know) I could not agree more with every single aspect of this article. Well said, bravo!

I'm so torn on this... On one hand, I think it's really astounding and incredible that space "tourism" is an actual reality. On the other hand, isn't this an incredible waste of raw materials and causing massive amounts of pollution? Out of curiosity, does anyone know if any scientific "discoveries" or "experiments"

Fingers crossed...

Sadly, there are enough laws on the books as it is, and in a busy area you would never hear the shutter sound anyway.

Wait... Courtney Love lives in AZ?
