Shizzle McBizzles

Uhm.. what systems?

We don’t share (and have never) our child’s pictures on Social Media. We’ve (now) limited who we even send these pictures to. It was made VERY clear to everyone receiving the birth photos of our child to keep them off of social media... and yet my (crazy) Aunt decided she should post them to her FaceBook anyway.

What’s wrong with fixed space fonts?

Your story is touching. Plenty of people have offered excellent advice, so I won’t because it will simply fall short in comparison. I just wanted to say your story resonated with me.

Seven people? How about two adults, a car seat, a dog and luggage... They fill up REAL quick.

Have children? You’ll benefit greatly from an S.U.V.

Have a dog AND a child?! Yeah... get the bigger one.

If you’re married, the rule is simple. Buy a house that requires only one of you to be able to pay the bill should the other be laid off.

You for the Everything Search Engine...

iOS 9 Fixes this... But yeah, I liked the physical back button when I owned an Android phone

I've been in several "arguments" over this very subject. You know who wins? The boss wins... So, when I'm typing for work it's a double space. When I'm writing for fun or for personal reasons, it's a single.

The only way you're getting a permit to carry in NYC is if you're a cop, a prosecutor, judge or high powered politician... end of story

Buy all the stuff you want, just be smart about it. e-Bay, CraigsList, SWAP and all the other sites you can think of... Just don't be so hung up on getting brand new, second hand stuff is just as good. That way, if something comes out that you really want (iPhone 6 anyone? Galaxy Note 4? etc.) You don't have to feel

Without question, this is the second most obscene "First World Problem" that exists... The first you ask? Not having enough room in your upstairs fridge for all the beer... so you have to walk down the stairs to your second fridge... Yes, I know... Do you feel my misery?

So true it hurts my n*ts...

Money doesn't = Happiness... HOWEVER!!! Money = More Choices... More Choices = Happiness... After a certain point, does $100k vs $200k make someone more happy? No... doubtful... Does someone making $75k have more choices than a person making $40k... absolutely. That person is probably happier. Clearly YMMV

I caution you to "not count other peoples money" and also to not read into his joy or pleasure by his sweat. Where as I agree with the point you're trying to make, this guy could have a sour puss on his face because his dog just died. I personally LOVE to mow my lawn, but if you passed by while I was doing it, you

I "favorited" (word?) this post, but I must say that any Realtor who would "allow" someone to walk away because of carpet is TERRIBLE at what they do.

I'm crazy? You're most certainly ignorant. I suggest doing a web search for "Democide"... See how that strikes you. Oh wait, "That can't happen here" right? Now who is the crazy one? Let's ask the Native Americans how trusting government worked out for them... Boot licker.

You realize if just 1% of American gun owners were to fight back against a totalitarian take over, you've got three million armed insurgents...

You forgot step #4. Enslave Humanity since they're now unarmed slaves... Stop being a jellyfish and grow a brain and a backbone, this isn't a joke, it's real life. Guns exist, get over it and move on.