Shizi Longde

It actually makes sense if you are a part of a large community of parents, and a month rolls around with too few weekends and too many birthdays. The "save the date" helps parents plan around each other.

Some friends drug me to her performance in Shanghai recently. I'm not really into her, but she is an impressive performer. You gotta respect her talent. And she has alot of Chinese fans. The venue was packed.

Wow, this case is not about you. More like white ego rather than white guilt.

Yeah, that jury was the worst.

It's not like the verdict is some big surprise, given the jury. The only thing this will make sober black fathers do is further exercise their 2nd amendment rights. My prediction is that this will escalate interracial killings, given the (lack of) consequences. And that is sad all around. Your triumphalism is sorely

Yes it is. It's built around the imaginations of scared white people.

The reason people say there is a double standard for race is because noone can imagine the opposite scenario: a non-black teen being stalked and killed by a black man, and that black man not getting the book thrown at him.

The fact is the cops screwed up the case from the start: they took Zimmerman's word for what happened and let him go. The fact that it took political pressure to get the cops to actually scrutinize Zimmerman's story is a reflection of the flawed legal system, not of flawed public activism.

NO, the Sanford police and DA, who failed to arrest and indict Zimmerman immediately turned this into a racial case. Did the police let all the murderers in Chicago walk? What a stupid comparison.

In a country where white people will let a murdering lunatic walk for killing a black teen, it's time out for black people to care what white people think about a damn tweet. They could all give "safe, comfortable black man" responses, and still be reviled by general society as thugs.

Epic. The theme was icing on the cake.

I think having pictures does more harm than good. I think they can be and are used to discriminate based on appearance, whether it be physical attractiveness or race/ethnicity/gender/age. Since I don't fall into the privileged classes, I will never post my pic. My achievements, recommendations, and endorsements should

Interesting. Actually my yahoo account is still my main account. Is there some hipster email account I should be signing up for?

It's definitely mean and bullying, really. As if some of these people don't have a shitty time of it already, now they're being laughed at by the mean girl clique of Jezebel.

The same thing happened to me for a few years (in a Toyota Paseo).

Why do you call yourself black? It's just as arbitrary as "african american", and alot more inaccurate, since you are brown-skinned.

You are wrong. Explain the people of african descent that are from Latin america. Are they not Latinos?

Definitely white.

Fake eggs have been done for quite a while, for more nefarious purposes. There is a fake egg 'industry' in china. Google 'fake eggs china'.

Look, America is a racist country. Why is it so surprising that any arbitrary industry has some demonstrable bias?