You are already squid.
You are already squid.
Can’t wait for the ink to start dripping!
Witness me! I will die historic on the Rainbow Road!
... Cheaterception!
Rock* just could not acquire the proper IP licenses for this to make it into the game:
This guy:
Excellent choice, “Republic Commando” ranks very high on my list with just one or two titles (namely the one in the video below) taking it from the top spot. It’s rather frustrating that we advanced so much in video game technology and they just seem to have forgotten how to make good, proper epic Star Wars games.
Ah, I knew this video I made for today would be useful!
I need to channel all my “F-Zero GX” skills from over a decade ago to beat the game now.
I had no clue there was a brake button until yesterday.
I was not very happy with the Mii clothing DLC because it just cosmetic, but I am ok with extra characters, levels, etc. As in, anything that truly expands the base game.
Show me the money!
And yet still on it’s way to be my game of the year.
It remains very fun with two players. And the soundtrack is just plain awesome.
...just kidding! This is my real opinion:
Hour 60 of "Xenoblade", uh? Yep, give a few more hours and you should hit the "big" stuff. My first savfe game has 96 hours and 40 minutes. That game is the sole responsible for the rekindling of my interest in JRPG's and I fear my GOTY this year will be it's sequel on Wii U.
Holy crap, my video got Kotakued. z_z;
I hope Nintendo is taking notice: We all love F-Zero so much we are putting it on every console we had. Here is the also impressive PC Engine caravan port:
I was fearing this day was coming ever since news of his last hospitalization. RIP good sir, thanks for the memories and inspiration. =(
I quite enjoyed that one.