
An abomination if I ever saw one. But I think you got my point, yes? We need some sort of standard in order to prevent products like these to keep showing up at retail and digital stores. It's a disservice to both costumers and the industry as a whole.

Yamauchi (RIP) was right, we need to bring this back pronto:

It would have to run under the same principle of SNES emulators online: One machine would be the "master" and the other the "slave", the game code would have to run and be transmitted form the master to the slave machine in order to achieve perfect synchronization between games. Someone else already pointed out and I

Now playing

Very ingenious but as you will see on this video playing "Zombie Ate My Neighbours", the biggest problem is that both games are independent from one another, thus the enemies you see in SNES 1 are not the same on SNES 2. There are games where this will be a non issue (like "Street Fighter 2" versus or multiplayer

Ah, I see the new Lamborghini Justadoor is already out!

( rimshot )

GOTY right there.

POW! Right in the kisser!

Now playing

Oh man, those are names from really way back then. Yes, I do believe I have been hugely influenced by the whole 90's electronic scene and just can't let go. Glad you re enjoying "Conquest of Outer Haven", its has beebn many years since I made a live set, make sure to take a listen to the other two (it's a trilogy of

Definitely a well earned spot up there.

I would really love to play this on Wii U, but looks like PC will be the way for me to go. Hopefully this ends up like "Ducktales Remastered" on the shelves as a physical box. And as Retro Gamer magazine pointed out on their latest issue, it would be nice to have both "Strider" and "Strider 2" included with this

Tue. Since Vega is a Spanish name, that's how this guy got his name:

Must be a Balrog player.

Here you go:

LOL I stooped following her twitter because of her shoe shoping sprees! Yet she was nice enough to pvt me on Facebook explaining why she did not accept my friend request at Facebook unlike the other Kotaku staff because she wants to keep it purely personal. She's all-right in my (any)book.

His work will live on with me. Controversy aside of his .. "unique" way of conducting business, truly Nintendo (and the whole video game industry) is what it is because of his vision. My condolences to his family and friends. Hopefully he is now somewhere with Gunpei playing some Nintendo Hanafuda cards.

I miss Leigh here, but at least I still have her monthly EDGE column. ^_^

2015 sure is a long way into the future. Wonder if we will have anti-gravity skate boards by then...

We just have a couple of quick questions...

Were they not also making a "Mutant League Soccer" based on the Megadrive FIFA engine? I remember reading about that quite a few years back, but nothing much else was mentioned about that.