Same. I thought the game would get better after I got the second character. Instead she burned through all her mana every fight and was completely useless all the time. I quit shortly after.
Same. I thought the game would get better after I got the second character. Instead she burned through all her mana every fight and was completely useless all the time. I quit shortly after.
Can we disband our football team? They’re an embarrassment to Michigan.
I don’t care at all. Anyone else just not care?
I found myself incredibly bored a lot of the time playing Fallout 4.
Tri Force Heroes is a lot of fun. People are just bitchy it isn’t a “proper Zelda”. Seriously, check the Metacritic quotes. Almost every one of them mentions that it isn’t “proper Zelda”.
That’s curious. I wonder if the NX will be backwards compatible with it.
Johanna is the reason I stopped playing.
One time on a camping trip, my sisters were using some jewelry set with bead and letters to make bracelets, so I sat down and decided to make one. About five minutes later I gave it to my sister, who went bawling to my mother about it. Much to her surprise, my mother started laughing hysterically about the bracelet I…
Remasters of old games on Xbox One and PS4? Shocking.
I just see it as being an asshole and spoiling a companies surprise for their fans.
I don’t blame them at all. It’s nice to hear news from the actual company instead of you when it isn’t something scandalous. Nintendo must have been keeping developers families hostage to keep Cloud a secret.
There it is. The dumbest thing I’ll read today.
Fallout 4 is kind of boring me. Witcher should have been great, but the wonky combat and controls turned me off to it pretty quick.
BoxBoy is clearly the best shooter to come out this year.
Funny how my Wii U is turned on a lot more than my PS4 or Xbox One.
Oh look, people acting like shitheads over something free. Shocking.
Not to mention a complete bullshit version of Gnat Attack. Nearly snapped my stylus in half.