
Is that even two guys? One of the right kind of looks like a girl, but I can't tell.

Some games you just have to learn the menus and the language barrier really doesn't impact gameplay.

Keep in mind everyone that you can simply import any physical copies and play them without doing anything to your account or memory cards since it's region free. For example, I imported Project Diva f and just popped in the cart and that was it. Didn't change anything else, and just use one memory card.

Hint: they were always badass.

Nice article Owen. You should put your opinions out there more often.

I still would love to play this. :(

I really like the blank white one the best.


They were though. It happens all the time. Men are expected to protect their loved ones. It's kind of a core societal expectation, and core socialization we all go through from a young age. The entire damsel in distress trope reinforces that in every type of artistic medium.

The theater example is sexist? That's ridiculous.

I don't think I see any games from that huge pile she bought on that tumblr. I don't think I see anything after 1999 ...

Nice lol

The Batman movies, off the top of my head.

We'll probably hear about Versus this spring based on Nomura's last comment. He's also mentioned KH3 quite a bit already, and now they're getting the HD collections set for people to catch up for KH3.

Guy looks pretty good for 84.

The cutscenes are straight out of Ninja Gaiden.

The only thing that keeps me watching it is Claire Danes hotness.

Funny coincidence, my support for Ubisoft "paused" after they abandoned PoP 08.

They're a DLC mini-episode.

There are 14 games in the main series. Just because you couldn't be bothered to play XI doesn't mean it doesn't count. It's one of the best in the series. I thought you were the RPG "expert?"