
Free game on PS3. Not bad.

"I don't really think the depiction of things like what the Kara video show is worth it."

Exactly. It's really a classic sci-fi storyline with AI and cyborgs. Nothing about this is new at all. Good post.

Have more female game characters, only when you do, then it's upsetting. I think people should really learn to pick their battles. Kara was really well done I thought, end of story. Is the video game medium so juvenile that we can't allow anything that makes us feel upset?

Kara, seriously? Seems like a bit of stretch. Be careful not to make your writing team only women and then start making problems to the opposite extreme.

It wasn't a huge team. It's mostly their tech development R&D teams, and visual works studios who does their CG. Two artists from Crystal Dynamics.

Because, Crystal Dynamics didn't announce that Pratchett had written the story until after the controversy broke. The articles that announce it are dated after the Jezebel article, and I know this because I followed the controversy as it happened on multiple sites, blogs and twitter.

Believe what you want, I just think it's offensive to reduce someone's thoughts to their grammatical accuracy, and ignore what they're trying to say. I imagine you didn't enjoy it when I did it to you. Also, lots of people type on their phones these days so I expect bad grammar.

They didn't find out it was a woman until after those articles were written. I feel like I'm spending all my time just trying to bring you up to speed. If you didn't follow the controversy, it's fine. But damn, I'm not going to give you a play by play of months of internet drama just so you know what I mean. I'm

You missed the apostrophe in "don't." "English" should also be capitalized. Also it wouldn't be understanding "for" basic English. It would be understanding "of" basic English.

That point was serious. The internet is international, as is the gaming industry. Grammar doesn't really mean anything.

You realize that the entire twitter campaign is just anecdotes right?

No I didn't. Why insist what my argument is? I just confirmed for you that this wasn't what I was saying. It doesn't even make sense. The Jezebel article I highlighted is sexist, and it's written by a woman. I never would make that argument because it's stupid.

It's not tenuous. I'm criticizing the media for holding up Prachett here on gender related issues, when not that long ago, they were completely eviscerating her work. It's ironic. Read the post or not, but don't tell me I'm off topic.

I'm not saying women are incapable of producing sexist imagery. Jezebel is constantly sexist.

Here's some other gems from the same article.

"If by "months" you mean days, and by "the media" you mean 5-6 internet articles."

It's worth pointing out that Rhianna Pratchett penned the story to the new Tomb Raider game. That game had months of extremely bad press that will almost surely hurt sales and reviews because the media was certain it was created by a cabal of sexist, sadist pigs.

I think the worst part is that Gimli is reduced to comic relief at all times. He loses a drinking contest to Legolas, is afraid to go in a dark cave in the third movie (seriously, a dwarf?), and is tossed around and falls in the mud at helm's deep.

As a Brad Dourif fan, I'd recommend Exorcist 3 Kirk. It's one of his best roles.