
Thanks :) I did leave the site for a while, but I'm commenting a bit here and there now.

Not holding my breath on the unbiased reviews part. I just saw this today, which more or less confirms what we've always suspected.

They're both pretty fantastic looking so far. I think Kojima Productions is really the only studio that compares with the best of SQEX graphically. When Zone of the Enders launched with PS2, it blew my mind. MGS4 was fantastic. MGS Ground Zeroes looks insane. They just release so few games that people forget I

Sounds fantastic. Not only is it better looking than ever, but seemingly made more easily than this gen, and in real time.

Both amazing games. Can't wait for Lightning Returns!

" "gorgeous beauty" didn't really enter the equation until the PS1 era."

I wouldn't really call it a PR stunt. A large free demo booth is about as straight ahead as you can get. A PR stunt would be something like EA protesting Dante's Inferno.

I hope they make another sequel. Could stick in Miku from Project Diva, or Welkin from Valkyria Chronicles in a Tank/Fighter Plane/Submarine.

Well, it does feel that way a bit, but I honestly usually like Owen's reviews and I think he was just being honest, even though I totally disagree with his assessment. He had a really good review of Sonic Generations last year, so I was surprised to see this. He usually is fairly thoughtful in the review, he just

The game is definitely tough at times. The challenges can be brutal. I was kind of reminded of F-Zero GX a bit, but F-Zero is even tougher. I couldn't cut it on that game, but it was still so well made that I wouldn't give it a NO.

You have to drift as long as possible, and as often as possible. Every drift gives a boost, and the longer it is, the more powerful the boost. Also, you can extend your drifts even during shifting turns. For example, you can drift right, then let go for a half second and instantly drift left, and it all counts as

There is a Golden Axe stage. It's pretty awesome.

I've been really, really, really enjoying this game for the last two days. I honestly expected to find a YES when I clicked this review, because the game exceeded all of my expectations, and it sells for a budget price.

Now playing

I wonder how much time they get to localize it? It is an annual game series, localized by a publisher that is outside of Activision's total control.

Actually, it'll be like giving them 3 free games a month, more if you have a Vita. And the discounts .... oh yes, the discounts ...

Honestly, I don't think there's a lot left to squeeze out of this rock. You would think there would be, being space and all, with all the different races. But I don't see them being able to hold my interest in this universe. I'm kind of surprised, because after playing the first game it felt limitless. But now, it

Good suggestion. there's a ton of them lol, seriously.

I totally agree. I can't stand Jason or Kirk. I thought I was the only one for the longest time. Evan doesn't post anything relevant, and Patricia, Kate and Tina are usually terrible. Now Fahey on mobile exclusively, what a joke. Believe me, I feel the same way.