I think I missed something here... is EA or Ubisoft under threat of closing down? Are these 10$ donations going to a worthy charity?
I think I missed something here... is EA or Ubisoft under threat of closing down? Are these 10$ donations going to a worthy charity?
Diablo 2 or Baldur's Gate 2.
@1up: I thought it was a manuscript and tried to pick it up.
I love Kyoto!
@Sticks Calhoun: And I've lived here almost all my life and I'll tell you that's not true.
@Strife Fox †: You notice because on PC you sit right in front of it. This was noticeable even on 17" CRTs that supported high resolution 10 years ago.
@Nethlem: Indeed. With better detail. They went back and used the higher quality resources. Didn't feel like a port.
@dragon83: It got patched and works fine now.
I wish they would do a PC version. I was shocked at how better the PC version of GTAIV looked. Almost enough to spend another 60 hours playing it.
@feitclub: You should be careful. It would never work with me when I tried but when renewal time came, and my info was still there, they had no problem taking the money from my C/C. Full price instead of the cheap one I got from Amazon.
Haha. Mac users. Fear the power of my right click!!
@bobtheduck in Korea: I hear they still haven't passed the first room in Portal.
Does Sony still think they're awesome because they make it hard for everyone to develop on their consoles?
@Jnas: They are. But I'm not a big fan of beards on ladies.
@Golgari: A lot of companies would of killed for those numbers.
@Alternate: I stopped using all weapons. I just throw grenades now.
@-MasterDex-: I am. PS3 exclusives need to be on PC!!
Just days ago I was talking about how Ubisoft games are generally buggy after finishing SC:C.
@fELIXADER: Or a heavy looking mosquito.