
Hearing Jason in the game, I could only think of this.

Now gunning for MW2 is good and all but in trying to make the campaign "serious business" enough to compete with MW they became generic war game #9999 and lost what made them unique.

Oh wow. I remember having a discussion with someone in college around the time FFIX came out. He kept talking about how Tomb Raider was an RPG. Based on gameplay. Not the fact you play a role of a character, which is what you do in all games.

Someday that pink fish and I are gonna take a long walk and only one of us will make it back.

@Alexp987: Or how you can't have choices in WRPGs and offer engaging storylines and characters at the same time.

For a moment I thought about getting it for PC but then I remembered this was a Ubisoft game. Will be playing this one on 360.

@Sakilla: Cuz they're hipsters?

Ah yes, the old please save the world/universe but do it from your own pocket story.

Go Go Nagai!! He fought for artists rights in the 70's and he's there again.

@spider2544: Great. Now we're all going to jail.

@Ken: Best 20$ ever spent. Except I found Planescape for cheaper than that.

@excaliburps: You want them to give stuff for free to the consumers as a "thank you". Did you see how Activision thanked the people who were responsible for the products existence?

@Archaotic: True. But those two games have dominated to the point where they think... correction, KNOW they can get away with it.

@Alternate: Right now Steam is the standard platform for games on the PC. Getting Steam on the Mac prevents other people from being the standard on that platform. From now on if anyone was thinking of porting games to Mac they'll think of Steam.

At first I thought GU Comics was going to make a joke of current gen developers use of bloom in games.

You know what's like lemmings? BC2. When your teams only plan, or lack of, is to go die at the other teams base.

@XtaLarge: Definitely. I for one was not suffering from memory loss end of the year.