
I love how everyone whines and cries and makes fun of Nintendo. When really, they just laugh all the way to the bank. I mean you look at any best selling video games of all time list, and you'll see Mario Kart Wii up there at 34 million sold.

In fact, it is the most sold console game of all time, that's not a pack in

I skipped this installment in the series. I tried VII, hated it, and didn't bother with XI. I figured I'd give X a go, because the leveling system got me curious — and it was pretty fab.

OH NO, HE GAVE HIM A "FEMININE" MASK. Someone call Anita Sarkeesian! SEXISM!

In terms of the "Real Life Day/Night Cycle" Is it like Pokemon? Where ...if I play the game at 7pm IRL it's 7pm MGSV time? Because that would blow ass. Especially since I work. So therefore....The whole game will take place at night for me. :(

No. That's Chico.

Hmm I don't see Vegas on that list. *sighhhhhhhh

Mine as well. :(

How is an Inglorious Basterds reference racist? How is putting a connection between Steiglitz, and Stiglitz based off of their similarities in spelling racist? Makes completely NO sense.

:( But we gotta find out what happens?! WHY?! :(

OMG I Laughed. SO loud. Hahaha

I kept reading "Steiglitz" and thinking of Hugo Stiglitz. Am I the only one? :(

Then we see EVA doing a sweet jump with her motorcycle to hand deliver an ice cream cone to Solid Snake...HAHAHA

It could, theory. A game spanning 3 decades. But seeing Kojima's style, that would lose a lot of MINOR details, and that's something that the auteur showcases. It's consistent with his style. If it leads into Big Boss fighting in Africa, Meeting Jaeger, and going into him leading the Foxhound up until

No it's not. Snake Joins the Green Berets in 1990, at the age of 18. Ground Zeroes is basically immediately after Peace Walker, so roughly 1975, Les Enfants Teribles is in 1972. So by the time Ground Zeroes is set, Snake is barely 3.

Boss is in a coma for 9 years, so he wakes up around 1984. EVERYONE that thinks

NO NO NO NO. Solid Snake, if he appears will be 11 years old. Do you really want David Hayter to do a kid's voice?

So they'll Retcon the foundation of Solid Snake's story, and the Le Enfents Teribles? Right.

Rastafarians aren't a race. They are a religion. lol

No. Wrong wrong. David Hayter...playing an 11 year old Snake. Right.