
Looks like everyone missed the joke. Well done sir.

A rookie Solid 11 year old Snake will show up? Highly unlikely.


And for the naysayers "ERHGHH Y U WANT NICE GRAPHEX?!"
Just imagine how much more epic that opera scene would be. Go on, imagine!

Well to be fair, it would be very nice to play through it again in a more modern sense. Like the treatment that was given FFIV on DS. I wouldn't mind a portable version, but if they reworked it in that manner, it would be awesome. FFVI is my most favorite of the series.

What everyone else said. Plus it has a wider "sweet spot" for the 3D effect. :)

I hope we one day get FFVI remade properly. They seem to keep skipping that one.

AAAAAAANNNNNNNnnnnnnndddd....It's gone.

No, that is the POST conference. The media briefing is the day before. :)

Check your email, good sir.

It is not, no. The only thing that it covers is entry to the media briefing. Doesn't get you into E3, nor does it cover airfare. It's next Monday. Now, JerraCom, are you still interested? You will going with my name plastered on your chest. hahaha

LOL I await patiently, to rid myself of the XBONE Media Pass. Just in case there is SOMEONE out there that wants to desperately watch TV.

I won that Xbox E3 Media Briefing sweepstakes. I wont be going though, does anyone want my barcode / pass?

LOL The fry machine. Didn't know you needed a CCNP for that. HAHAHAHA

Well played. I'm crying from laughter.

You know, while I am enjoying the game's art direction, atmosphere, and story (at least from the first 4 hours I put in yesterday) I'm not enjoying so much the game play. It's not "bad" per se, it's just not great...It's almost as if the fancy corridors you run around in, are essentially just "interactive loading

Also last time I checked, this is a public forum. There is no "sticking" of anyone's nose into something as there aren't any private conversations here. If you wanted to have alone time with your pal there, that dreads 8-button combos you should've just messaged him. :) LOGIC.

My man, I never raised my temper. I merely made one statement, a retort, in response to your poor wording. The moment you went insane, and typed long, drawn out, paragraphs filled with profanity and childish name calling — I merely stooped to your level and let you continue. So to talk to someone about personality

Well android has Sixaxis controller that allows you to actually map screen taps to your Dualshock 3. So that could be a viable solution.

Hahaha you're still replying, as if you've won anything. This is the greatest shit ever.