Shin Lord

@ChewyChavezIII: Such excellent games, such a sad story. Your copy of E.T. is one of the few that didn't end up buried in a New Mexico landfill. I wonder where mine is...

@Manly McBeeferton: You just want to bang blue-skinned aliens without going to space jail, like me.

@Manly McBeeferton: In an alternate bizarro universe, I'm your older brother and Pokémon Yellow is safely inside your mint Game Boy Color.

@Snoozey: Damn, that's tough, bro. I've known people who call themselves gamers, but only play on current gen consoles, so you're a true inspiration to us all. My parents made me choose between a Sega Master System and an NES, and I went tith Sega. I would have missed out on so many great Sega games if I had gone with

@TheCowboyPoet: If you have the time to photograph some of your collection, I'll certainly have the time to admire it.

@CrimsonFlamesX: Shaq Fu was... OK, let's talk about something else. I never got around beating Legend of Dragoon. That thing had like 4 discs, didn't it? It was a rental, and everyone knows renting an RPG from Blockbuster was stupid. Really wish I could play it again.

@Manly McBeeferton: Such a horrific story from such a lively person. Backward compatibility on the 360 is basically non existent to me, so that's shit. My 60GB PS3 can still play PS2, so I am most grateful for that.

@Ian Paul Freeley: What you just said could cause a rip in the space time continuum, and I like it!

@darkside31337: Wish I had a rich uncle when I was growing up! I once traded Super Mario Kart for The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. That was the first Zelda game I really got into, like REALLY got into. After beating it a couple of times, I started missing Mario Kart and bought it back at my local Kmart. It's

@pest174: My stomach just turned. 60 games pretty much stolen? I'm not using my PS2 games wither, but I need to know they're there, just in case I want to revisit them. I have fury!

@Pahootaman: You show signs of an über Wind Waker fan, or a serial killer. I dig that idea of a childhood museum. Back at my mom's house I still have most of my old consoles that my wife won't let me have in our apartment. :(

@baldrik: A minute of silence for your copies of Yoshi's Island and Jurassic Park... T_T

@Slagathorian: White as a moogle. I'm nuking that guy on Facebook!

@Snoozey: That's tough, man, but the NES was glorious, so it wasn't that bad. Do you remember what year it was?

@Dennen: I can relate. My 11 year old niece has inherited my old handhelds and games, and it feels nice to let someone else enjoy what you enjoyed already. Nice move giving those GBA's to your relatives in Mexico.

@blakimpaler: Think of how much fun losing custody of a child to your wife would be. Someone please think of the Pikmin!

@Extric: I traded in the first SSX at EB Games for $3 dollars. $3 dollars... I used them to buy SSX Tricky, but the store sold it for $17.99 or so at the time. I rather not think about this anymore...

@Ian Paul Freeley: Well, a guy I knew traded his shiny new Sega Genesis for an old, beaten up NES. Everyone he knew, and didn't know, busted his chops about it forever. His ass must still be sore.

@Slagathorian: That is the most depressing thing I've read in a long time! Thank goodness for emulators, but man, that's messed up.