Hmm... Notifications don't seem to be working today.
Super Mario RPG in general. The game was epic! The Mario & Luigi RPG's are awesome, but nothing tops the original Square / Nintendo masterpiece.
Yeah, mine doesn't seem to be involved.
Their new slogan: "Animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment, or use their feces as weapons of mass destruction."
They'll be hearing from PETA soon.
I felt sorry for Raiden throughout the whole story mode. Everything he did was in vain. Will the next game focus on MK4, Deadly Alliance and Deception? I hope so.
Raiden killed Liu Kang. Now that I wasn't expecting.
By "floral" they mean bush-scented.
I used to think Japanese women were among the most beautiful in the world, now they kind of creep me out. At least these do.
Now it's a party!
That's how you lure a terrorist out of hiding, with top-secret poontang.
I put my heart into that review in an effort to stop anyone curious of playing it. It's games like Blue's Journey that ruined Christmas for so many children, making them turn to crime and prostitution.