Shin Lord

"Control, do you read me? Are you seeing this?"

I like John DiMaggio and his voice work. I think the problem with Marcus is that his character design, along with everyone else in Gears, is so ridiculous and over-the-top. The voice fits the frame, I think.

I like Isaac, but I admit the first Dead Space was scarier because he never spoke. Just grunts and that horrible breathing noise that left me gasping for air myself.

I can not argue with that, mi amigo.

Why wasn't Hugo Chavez in NBA Jam?

I've seen people get starred for less (me included), and beef is pretty important around the world, except India.

I only have two questions:

This should have been an article on the front page. Also, who's paying for all those plane tickets?

I bought a Kinect for Christmas, and besides Dance Central (wife loves it), I totally regret it.

There, now it's perfect. I feel better now. :)

Yesterday I asked which silent protagonist you'd like to hear speak, so today I ask the opposite. Out of all the annoying blabbermouths, who do you wish would shut the fuck up most?

I don't write this often. Here it goes... LOL!

That stupid fire flower ratted me out!

I missed something too. There is no "D" choice. I doubt that will help W's chances, though. :)

Professor Layton is the easy choice they always throw at you in these game shows, but all it did was mess up W's mind even more.

Wait, why the hell is E.T. there?

Can't believe I forgot about Rain Man. I'm feeling a bit mentally challenged now.

Oh I had read it when I posted my previous comment. I was also very secretive on the Internet at first, but after a while I got jealous of Shin Lord's fame and removed the mask. Here on Kotaku I'm slowly making a name for myself, with my 'shops and stuff, and have made some potential friendships. I'd fight (virtually)

Why hello there, fellow Shin. I'd still take her out to dinner, even if she ends up eating me.

I had loads of fun with Tomb Raider 2, but back then Lara looked like a blocky cartoon character. I accused Uncharted of being a Tomb Raider knockoff, and now I can only hope the new Tomb Raider is an Uncharted clone because of it's awesome gameplay mechanics.