Ask a Native American what happens when you don't control illegal "immigration".
Ask a Native American what happens when you don't control illegal "immigration".
In all honesty, there needs to be a clearly marked weirdo section.
So he spreads liquid poison willy nilly as well? Nice.
If you you keep making these bad veggie puns, we might have to crucifer you.
I'm your source. I look at our station's playlist log every day. Every commercial break (during watched shows) is half dealerships. Sometimes the local break is ALL dealerships. Just pay attention to your local station's local breaks, and you'll be amazed at how many of them are car dealers.
Dealership commercials make up over half of a TV stations ad revenue. They will never alienate the car dealers.
I wish he can face Houston in the Finals, so he can finally finish receiving the Texas Assfuck Trifecta that San Antonio and Dallas started.
"Sanctimonious" isn't exclusive to conservatives.
I had a mixed drink before I had sex with my GF. Are you saying she raped ME?
I doubt their mommies would let them out of the basement to go to a bar.
No, a thief THREW away his life. This was not a man.
I don't understand. Was the woman naked?
So the score is Aryans 7 - Mulattos 0
Like in Sweden. There, women can literally withdraw consent days AFTER the guy withdraws!
The one thing I got from this article is we need to incarcerate more women. Equal rights and all that jazz.
In all fairness, Abby's goals came against women.
I'm not too empathetic. The service writer will make it up in the bribes from the techs for the best jobs anyway.
I'm looking for my tiny violin...