Nice article, but Lebron is still a pussy. The supposed "best".....wasn't.
Nice article, but Lebron is still a pussy. The supposed "best".....wasn't.
I'm missing something. This guy just basically installed an overly complicated automatic so he can pretend he has a manual? What makes this different from the automatic everyone else has?
with a gun...
Hmmm, you you could set up a scam where you misprice a ticket for $1, your buddy "buys" it, you cancel it, then your "buddy" gets $300 of credit.
So the moral is to buy every $1 ticket, and just accumulate the consolation vouchers after the inevitable cancellation.
Had this been in the USA, the public would have been up in arms about the invasion of privacy that occurred by taping this.
citation needed
Now THAT'S love!
Just wait till most glasses have non-obvious cameras built in.
You probably love your father. Would that make you gay then, according to your logic?
That's the same type as on Person Of Interest.
First world "problem".
Won't salt draw the water out and make it dry?
How? As a way to ultimately blame this on men. After all, that's the Jezebel way.
I'm still trying to figure out how to change underwear without exposing my lower body.
I never trusted any stand to keep a car off of me. I always put a tire or a block of wood under the frame as security in case the jack fails.
I see no coupon for the Panasonic Vortex, and regular price is $15.50, plus shipping. This "deal" ends up costing $20 or so.
agreeing to this was a condition of the probation contract. they said, "if you agree to not post, we will give you probation instead of incarcerating you". she accepted, then reneged on her end of the bargain. she was very welcome to serve out her sentence if this was an unacceptable condition.
New shoes are only worn once, then they become used shoes.