
100 year old water? Wouldn't it have spoiled by now?

This will make getting roadhead safer and more enjoyable.

Here's some sci-fi for ya...

This guy, in the Torah/Bible/Koran...

What Chu gonna do?

I was hoping for an earlier story to post this spoiler last week. We got this week's J! promos last week, and Thursday and Friday didn't have Arthur in the 3-shots. If anyone wants future J! spoilers, I can provide them a week in advance.

Is this the guy who writes all those computer books?

in the 80s, 20 was the new 40

is this reverse teabagging?

I'm sure the victims were praying as they plunged. Lot of good it did them DURING the event. But you still want to pray? Then pray for a God who can get the job done next time, because this one can't seem to get shit done.

"quivering quim" is my person fav

Vagina sounds very clinical, that's why it is not used.

Where is the building where John Reese and Kara Stanton found the laptop? And where is the pickup site where the CIA lobbed the missile at them?

Meanwhile, Android still is sluggish on cutting edge phones.

it coulda been a mustang cobra, hence the need for clarification

i was really rooting for the cobra snake to bite his stupid ass

appropriate city

I would like the NCAA killed. Then maybe our Universities wouldn't be wasting money uselessly on sports.

Street fight, I see her winning. A boxing match, she would be killed, literally.