
No, he is a grown man.

I was there when Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD and barely made it out alive. The horror, oh the horror!

No one "catches" a drug addiction. You have to actively, willingly and literally invite it into your body.

Maybe women not good at negotiating? That's my take from this.

Pekingese dogs were originally bred for fighting lions. The practice was discontinued when it was discovered they continually lost!

Is this related to maybe their TP not being biodegradable? I remember in the old times here in the USA one didn't flush it as well, because the paper would not degrade and would clog. But with new biodegradable paper this is not an issue. Maybe that's why?

The same was said about current HD. The same was said about NTSC in 1953. Hell the same was said about television when it was first offered!

Holy overpriced shit, I'd blow through that paltry $10 box in two days max.

BREAKING NEWS: sanctimonious Americans forget how the hamburger, the bacon, that KFC bucket they just ate came from!

I wonder what food would taste like cook in it?

separate and unequal

damn, this was NOT the news I wanted to hear

why can't this fucker spell his name correctly

find the nearest Dumpster

I'd recommend you stockpile condoms first of all.

Jezebel is working on a new Photoshop outrage article RIGHT NOW

"And these guys cut ME?!? - Tim Tebow

What great advice. I'm gonna share my cost of living stress with everyone in the USA and go on welfare! Thanks Lifehacker!!!

For the record, there is no such thing as a specific dedicated HD antennae. Your old roof style antennae will pick up a digital broadcast just as easily as an analog one.

true, it's only when you transition into an OLD obese woman that the coronary disease announces its arrival...