
Just use my technique for better fuel mileage. If you raise the back of your car up, you will always be going downhill, thus ensuring the best way to conserve fuel!

Wanna really make this about race, Hallsey? Then wonder why there aren't more Asians and Native Indians in sports. Then tell me which black guys you'd kick out to make room for them.

Pontiac's SD4 Iron Duke could generate 330hp in 1984.

what kind of a shithead school puts toilets in between buildings?

that's not stomping, that's stepping on.

then explain Colt 45 and and Kool cigarettes

so basically it's the rich brotha's Colt 45

I don't understand. Is this car a horse or a snake?

I have this idea for getting a new car by upping my insurance right before a sports championship, then hopefully picking the losing city, and decking my car with the victor's logos for the eventual mob to vent their fury on.

I'm lost. What "crime" was supposedly committed here?

Regarding modern cheap cars, a local dealer sells 4 cylinder/standard Sentras for $10K. What would be the caveat against this particular deal?

And most importantly, install Windows over it, if you want to actually DO something with the comp.

Here's a cool trick to get a brand new replacement right before the warranty ends. After backing up your data, drop the drive on a carpeted surface from about 6 feet. This should ensure it breaks without any discernible evidence of intentional breakage. Simply RMA, and enjoy your brand new drive! It might even be a

If only there was some type of included manual that would explain these things...

There's this local dealer who sells 4cylinder/manual Sentra's for $10K new. Why not this Sentra over the Mitsu?

Can't believe no one offered a 1998-2002 Pontiac Trans Am

really, this is just a quick sawhorse table, been done for ages


Hello Jezebel readers,

you never saw fat peons in feudal Europe...